December 28, 2020
Harry joined our protest yesterday. He was going to be with a local home (meet and greet) near the City Hall of Namyangju. The City plaza is almost empty as one third of the officials work from home. Nevertheless, he got all the attention.
December 15, 2020
Chungju City - Protest at the Food and Drug Safety office
Young and I travelled Chungju City at the office of Food & Drug Safety yesterday.
Dog meat is not in the list of edible food then why dog is in the list of Livestock? Ms. Choi and her supporters have been at the gate of the office for a month. The head of the office's response to us "It has not gained social consensus."
November 24, 2020
Imprisoned the old man who made dog tonic of the Jindo mom and her girl.
This is one small victory~! Just like all the animal activists I waited and waited for the verdict. The court sentensed the old man imprisonment. He adopted two dogs and drank. The old man made dog tonic out of the Jindo mom and her girl. He is imprisoned but doesn't say how many years.
November 23, 2020
Jeonju becoming #DogMeat free city of South Korea
-...I hear from Mr.Yang, the head of the animal welfare department saying these remaining restaurants are buying dog meat from a nearby city Gimje. You may not believe this but mayor Kim Seung Soo and Doggyman Mr.Lee are the two Korean gentlemen I've met in my whole life. I do admire and respect them very much. ...
October 30, 2020
Governors in South Korea
Pro Dog Meat VS Anti Dog Meat Mayors.
Mayor Kim of Bucheon City was always available to see me, he made his time for our campaign "Dog Meat Free City". I must compare this with an evil governor of Ganghwa County Yoo who refused to meet me and go on eating dog ribs. The dog rib restaurant had changed the menu ...
September 26, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
Dear president Moon,
You have less than 2 years, where is your promise "Phase Out" before the election.
Are you just another politician using the dogs for your own gain?
You own two dogs Maru and Tori. Don't you see in the Tori's eyes how much he suffered? ...
August 23, 2020
Pastor Joo Young Bong the man of Meat Dog Association
This is the man of Meat Dog Association. It was in 2017 that he took over the mafia and re-organized and rebuilt it and gain power. He became so powerful. He is the leader of all the ugly scenes presented by the Meat Dog Associations. They just do not feel shameful at all. I was so shocked to see their wives are working together....
July 16, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
One of the four dog meat restaurants is no longer serving dog meat. The sign has changed.
When i approached them 4 years ago about changing the menu and I will pay for the new sign and the menu. The owner splashed a bucket of water on me shouting "Get Lost!"
July 10, 2020
Dog Meat Price
Current dog meat price this week is going at $5 per Geun (600 grams) Geun is a traditional weight measurement used today in the dog meat trade. Its strictly cash business. I reported this to the tax office headquarter but the officials in charge say "Its a very small business like a street vendor, let them make a living"
June 29, 2020
Lee Gae Hoo - Minister of Agriculture Dog Meat Eater​
This monster is back as chairman of the Agriculture/Martime/Fishery Committee.
Where are we heading? Its a sinking boat. He was asked to leave minister of the Agriculture office served (half a year) back to the most powerful position. All the three bills we put high hopes are nullified..
May 27, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Farms
A good news to share. Saw one whole bunch of piled up filthy rusty cages in our neighbor junkyard. I even saw a sign "Buy and Sell Dogs" According to the lady, the owner says they do get such dismentled cages brought to them as scrap to sell. Its going at 400 Won per kg which isn't too bad.
May 2, 2020
Pastor Joo Young Bong the man of Meat Dog Association
I said he's been quiet from this year, there he goes again. My Katalk, a local channel of communication has been hacked. He is doing it again.
Oh God if you are there take this Satan from the earth you created....
April 2, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
Its so dreadful when I actually feel it physically. Here I have one pic that describes whats going on in the City.
The grocery in the main road is the nearest from our shelter. This pic was taken at lunch hour 12:40 pm I was the only shopper for half an hour. They laid off all the part timers....
February 11, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
This former dog meat restaurant "For Rent"
The place used to be a mushroom restaurant then introduced new menu dog meat and chicken soup from early last year. I've been there to have a mushroom soup once on my way to Dr.Han but it wasn't good at all and smell was bad. I sat with the owner.....
January 23, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
Lunar New Year greeting card from Dr. Lee Sang Don. "Remove Dogs from Livestock Category" the bill he proposed was not even reviewed at the committee for over a year. Its now in the hands of president Moon. No idea what his intentions are but must be a good reason for it to be under his power. I am positive Moon will do something about it...
January 6, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
A year ago today, met with Lee Sang Don who proposed declassify dogs from livestock list. SKD (from Nami's mom) donated $5,000 for him to be used for the committee members. He is quitting politics for good next month. The bill he proposed is now in the hands of president Moon effective from January 1st. It does not require review or ---
December 28, 2020
Protest at the DogMeat Auction House Namyangju
The law allow the auction to go on saying the dogs are private properties belong to the butchers till the demolition. We are not allowed to gather if more than four. Just in case I have the police be present to protect our members just in case. Auction is off whenever we are there. This is all we can do for now...
December 14, 2020
Chungju City - Group protesting at the Food and Drug Safety office
Currently, dog is classified as livestock but its not in the list of edible food. Therefore, sale of dog meat is supposed to be illegal. This is why dog meat is not under the control of Livestock Sanitation Act. Dog slaughtering and its process is in blind spot. It's not legal nor illegal based on the law.
December 11, 2020
City Hall Protest - to shut down DogMeat Auction House Namyangju
We are at the City Hall of Namyangju, we stand here after the auction house. We will go on till I have "Demolition Order" in written form in my hands.
November 23, 2020
Working to shut down DogMeat Auction House Namyangju
We had 15 signed up but only two showed up. This is why I say "This is a very lonely fight."I had two meetings with two officials both refused to take a shot. Guess what? They are taking action speeding it up under one condition. The request from the city officials I met was "not to release anything to the media."... FB POST TWEET
November 9, 2020
Jeonju becoming #DogMeat free city of South Korea
Those who's been to Jeonju with me were very impressed by the mayor's determination how much he wants his city to become dog meat free and go "Animal Friendly City Jeonju!"
We have remaining 9 dog meat restaurants to be shut down or change the menu. Animal Welfare department led by mayor Kim ....
October 30, 2020
Working to shut down DogMeat Auction House Namyangju
City's construction department not doing their job about the illegal construction of the Meat Dog Auction House. Meeting with the secretary to the mayor Cho of Namyangju with the agricultural dept. The meat dog auction house is an illegal facility...
September 22, 2020
Shelters in South Korea - suicide in Yangsan
The old lady who runs a small shelter in Yangsan City who I've known for almost ten years committed suicide three days ago. I hear she has no chances of recovery at all. I am so sorry this happened.
She has 200 dogs to feed. In a way, she was stoned to death by her supporters. Many of her shelter volunteers accused her ... First post
August 10, 2020
Tae Hoon - Korea Observer - Interview
Tae Hoon is a founder and a reporter of Korea Observer. He is the one who made Dog Meat Professional in 2018. He shared with me one experience. A dog farmer he interviewed owns a huge dog farm with 8,000 dogs. Its being operated legally with the required licenses fully equipped. Under the current law dog is classified as livestock.
July 18, 2020
Pastor Joo Young Bong the man of Meat Dog Association
Oh God, please take this scum BACK to you or remove him on the earth you created. Why not you create a God protecting all the animals on earth if you are the loving, almighty and omniscient God. Damn God you should be in hell if you exist...
July 16, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
Dog Ribs Restaurant Changed the Menu.
I am so thrilled by this. This restaurant specialized in dog ribs had changed the menu. He was the one governor Yoo loves their dog ribs and a regular customer and was still taking the order till late March when i called and pretended that I plan to order. ...
July 8, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
The Troica!
Three bills proposed by the three dog lover assembly man are no longer valid. I can say we are not going anywhere and its hopeless.
Lee, Sang Don's bill on declassify dogs from livestock was not even reviewed at the committee. Its been nullified when he quit politics. ...
June 29, 2020
Governor Yoo of Ganghwa Island Dog Meat Eater
I am writing this post with a heavy and sad heart. Governor Yoo loves dog ribs and he is at the restaurant very often these days as the BokNal is approaching.
I thank you again for your signatures but its not doing any good to make him quit eating the dog ribs. ...
May 14, 2020
Dog care services in Paju City
A newly opened first class dog care services in Paju City, its behind was so called "meat dog" kept for a dog trader's truck. The owner of the building is a rich old man and yet he wants to make money with 7 dogs hidden from the building. Its again about "pet dog" and "meat dog"The young girl who informed us about it works right here....
April 26, 2020
Pastor Joo Young Bong the man of Meat Dog Association
This is the man leading the nationwide Meat Dog Association. I call him the Mafia boss. The Association has become organized, started to lobby and the butchers United under his umbrella and guidance. He is currently a presbyterian church pastor in Gwangju City.....
March 23, 2020
Wan Ju Park - Democrat Party - Dog Meat Promoter
How pathetic, none of the three bills passed just because this one man in the Agriculture committee. He promotes dog meat industry and stresses the differences between meat dog and pet dog.
This is the result of the lobby by the mafia, Meat Dog Association.
Lets get him out of the Assembly....
February 10, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
The dog meat restaurant in our next village opened last summer is not doing well. It was lunch hour but was closed. They changed the menu from dog meat soup to beef ribs soup a couple of month ago. I pass this road quite often, have not seen many cars parked there.
January 6, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
July Boknal 2016 was 2nd year of our protest at the national assembly. Jo was an assistant to Dr.Pyo (he is a vice spokesman at the Blue House now in Moon'a government) He approached and invited us to the office and arranged a meeting with Dr.Pyo 3 times. Madeline Warren's contribution was historical I must say....
January 6, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
Three assembly members who took the courage to improve the situation. Declassifying dogs from livestock list proposed by Lee Sang Don has been sitting at the committee not even reviewed. With the new law amendment Livestock Act effective from the January 1st, it's in the hands of president Moon. Next post has more
December 25, 2020
Chungju City - Protest at the Food and Drug Safety office
39th day at the office of Drug & Safety in Cheongju City by Ms.Choi. She has been there almost alone. We support her arguement "Dog meat is not a safe food, sale of dog meat is illegal." Long years of issue 'dog is classified as livestock but not in the list of edible food' never got the attention. This must be again the case. ...
October 31, 2020
Governors in South Korea
Two mayors Pro Dog Meat VS Anti Dog Meat
The mayor of Namyangju City (with Meat Dog Auction House) Cho, Kwang Han is a dog meat eater. How do I know that? I called a few large size dog meat restaurants and said I want to make a reservation as I hear your restaurant is mayor's favorite. He ate heavily last summer....
October 3, 2020
DogMeat Auction House Namyangju SouthKorea
This is one big achievement by Lady Freethinker. Taehoon (Gilbert), the reporter of Korea Observer spent a week with us past summer shooting at our shelter went digging the Meat Dog Auction House in another city. Siun is one active rescuer lives in the city of Namyangju discovered the Meat Dog Auction House earlier....
September 20, 2020
Hanam City Dog Meat Trade
.....The butcher in the mountain sold all his dogs to Meat Dog Auction and abandoned those not sell-able ones. He tore down the cages and gone with the wind. I guess he knows the business can never be the same. These 6 dogs have been roaming around the mountain, three are caught by the vet (Dr.Lee Sang) of the City...First post
July 20, 2020
Gupo Dog Meat Market - Busan
A dog meat market turning to a doggie streets thats the headline of KBS.
Gupo the livestock market (more of a dog meat market) of is now turning to a doggie place. Animals Asia and CFAF (Change for Animals Foundation) flew in many times to sit with the dog meat traders in the market in 2014. ....
July 17, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
Another dog meat restaurant right in front of our town office. I offered the owner i can provide a new sign in case he wants to change the menu. He says he will comsuder but not until Boknal days are over. Four cars parked at 6:30 pm but was packed inside...
July 16, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
Who say the consumption has reduced? This is the car park of one of the four dog meat restaurants in front of our town office named "My Hometown"
It was already packed at 6 pm. This restaurant runs their own dog farm and fully licensed with livestock farming. Its run by the 4th generation with 120 years of history.
June 5, 2020
Gimpo Dog Meat Restaurants
One of the four dog meat restaurants near our town office is considering changing the menu. Its owned by an old couple. I've been talking to the wife but she's been saying "Its up to my husband" I finally met with the husband.According to the neighbor their restaurant is not doing well. I seldom see any cars parked there at lunch or dinner hours....
May 9, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
It's been 3 years since the election May 9th 2017. Big disappointment after high hope.
It was May the 2nd just before the vote, he promised local animal right activists group that he will "Phase Out, nothing can be done overnight"
Nothing done past three years. Are we hopeless? I am afraid so. ...
April 17, 2020
Wan Ju Park - Democrat Party - Dog Meat Promoter
This monster Wan Ju Park has been the major obstacle to the animal welfare bills still sitting on the floor. He is the one who promoted “Lets diffrenciate the two “Meat Dog VS Pet Dog, legalize meat dog farming" Its so sad that he belongs to the Democrats and he’s re-elected with almost 60% vote....
February 26, 2020
Governor Yoo of Ganghwa Island Dog Meat Eater
Sharing again for an update.
This dog meat ribs lover governor Yoo tried to avoid me and still patronizing the rib serving dog meat restaurant in the island. He's been a regular diner at the dog meat restaurant called "Seoul Dog Meat" I heard from a resident of the island that he eats for his health reasons and he loves it. ...
February 4, 2020
Dog Meat Butchers in South Korea
He died a couple of weeks ago after 45 years of slaughtering more than a million dogs (a few millions he says) and supplied to his ex-wife's dog meat restaurant.I just heard today no one turned up at his funeral not even his own son. This is his karma. He looked very lonely and so drunk ....
January 6, 2020
Long road to change the law to ban the #DogMeatTrade
Remove or declassify dog from the livestock category was in my proposal list when I went to see Dr.Pyo about the new amendment.
How absurd that dogs are under livestock as stated and yet it does not belong to eatable food as defined by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety....