
​Across iNDONESIA every year millions of dogs and cats are stolen from their families and homes, crammed into wire cages and sacks to be transported to slaughterhouses and markets throughout the country. Many are stolen family pets or strays snatched from city streets and rural areas. These animals are crammed into cages or sacks so tightly they can’t move, often with their mouths bound shut, barely able to breathe. Some die from suffocation, dehydration, or heatstroke before reaching their destination. For those who survive, their fate is even more horrific forced to witness others being killed before their own agonizing death. The terror and suffering they endure is unimaginable. Besides the obvious animal welfare issues, disease testing has shown that many of these dogs are rabies-infected, putting both tourists and the public at risk from the deadly disease. While less than 7% of Indonesians consume dog meat, the trade jeopardises the public health of all citizens.

Over the years, thanks also to the intervention of international organizations, many Indonesian cities are making huge steps forward to ban the trade of dog and cat meat, including: Bali, Karanganyar, Yogyakarta, Sukoharjo, Salatiga, Malang, Semarang, Magelang, Jepara, Blitar, Mojokerto City, Medan, Surabaya, Kebumen, Pekalongan, Rembang, Jombang, Sumedang, West Java, Banten, Subang, Karawang, Purwakarta, Surakarta, Bantul, Jakarta.
Anyway a national regulation that prohibits this trade throughout the country remains necessary.


A group of International Orgs.
The united goal is to secure public and political opposition towards the dog meat trade throughout Indonesia.
With proven experience and expertise in delivering effective public awareness campaigns, and in working in collaboration with local and central governments to pass and implement laws and regulations to end cruel practices and strengthen animal protection legal provisions.

non profit, non government organization that strives to reduce the suffering of many animals throughout Indonesia, both domestic & wildlife as unfortunately, thousands of animals in Indonesia live sad lives & we believe no animal deserves cruelty.
A large number of programs & campaigns focusing on rescue, rehabilitation & raising awareness about animal suffering to promote compassionate treatments.
In some parts of Indonesia, dog meat is considered part of culinary tradition. There are growing calls for such practices to end, but despite these efforts, the trade is not slowing down.
This is the reality of dogs in the Indonesia dog meat trade.
International celebrities in calls to end to the cruel dog meat trade in Indonesia.
Ricky Gervais, Sophia, Peter Egan, Chelsea, Joanna and Gamaliel
DMFI sent an investigator into the groups of illegal dog kidnappers, and the resulting footage is shocking
The suffering of the dogs caught up in Indonesia’s dog meat trade is unimaginable
Actor Peter Egan and filmmaker Andrew Telling made the 7400 mile journey to visit North Sulawesi's cruel cat and dog meat markets to help shine a light on the horrors of the trade. What they saw was truly shocking