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Rescues from Hell Hill #DogMeat Farm #Namyangju



A true hell. A dog farm with slaughtering scene within the same district of the auction house. Its only five minutes away by drive but hidden in the hill.
The whole area is going to be incorporated into the City's development plan a huge apartments/industrial complexes. The land belongs to the government so he's been occupying it illegally. However, he's been asking for compensation from the City specifically per dog, per head. The butcher does not even know how many heads but in between 400- 500.
I wonder who will be able to take on this job in case the butcher can be compensated and he gives up.

The Hill dog farm #Namyangju is renamed Hell dog farm by me. It's hidden up in the hill but it's hellish. The butcher threw five pups to us. Four last week five this week. The butcher is mad at us too much pressure from the City"







Lovebug rescued from Yakam Village



"Yakam is a village next to SaveKoreanDogs is located. Nami received an urgent call to go and get this girl in a filthy cage with dead chickens inside. It was a dog traders cage, an old villager collects and keeps the dogs till a dog traders truck come by. Nami called the old man and he released Lovebug on the site.

She is highly traumatized, we understand why. She’s warming up slow but steady."



Mini Dog Meat Farm Gimpo -
2nd PART 



The mini farm owner kept bringing dogs to his yard. It was summer 2020 that we saw three puppies and a Bully there. He surrendered the three puppies to us at the presence of City officials July the 29th 2020. However, he would not let us take the Bully.

After 8 months he informed Nami that the Bully seems sick. Nami went over immediately (March, 9th) and pulled her. Nami took her to Dr.Han for a health check up and it turned out that she may have cancer. We took her to a cancer specialist Dr.Roh arranged by Nami’s rescue team member Siun. Its her health issue that’s been worrying us. She’s been in and out Dr.Roh three times already for continuous tests one after another. No definite diagnose yet still but shortlisted as “Bone Fungus”  Twinkle has been hospitalized at Dr.Roh till July 2021




Rescues from Paju Dog Meat Auction House

MAY 2021


SKD has been protesting at the dog auction house in Paju City from March this year. It was May the 3rd that Nami’s team 3 stopped a van that was on the road to the north of Paju City after the auction. There were five dogs in two cages. Nami arrived at the site and called the police. There were three Jindo puppies and two Border Collies, one Jindo pup looked very sick.

The two kind police officers assisted Nami when the team was trying to explain the animal protection law.  The owner, the old man (84 years old) was telling us how rich he is owns several huge pieces of lands and houses. He’s been raising dogs and supplying the meat in the neighboring counties.

One of the Jindo puppies looked very sick was hospitalized on the day but it was a bit too late. She was named “Mia” now buried in the Garden of Joy.


Sweetzen Rescue

MAY 2021


Sweetzen is the name of the apartment complex where the rescuer Ssaeng lives. They found the three dogs while walking their dogs. An old man was raising the dogs under the bridge and waiting for a dog trader’s truck. She bought them over and found a home but it wasn’t safe at all.

She brought them back and kept them under the bridge but the dogs were constantly in danger of being sold anytime. She found Nami through a Youtuber and Nami offered to help.

Ssaeng named the mom Ruby, the big son Balloon and a little small one is Typhoon by the size. She wants to have them adopted together if possible. The dogs are healthy all done with spay/neutered, fully vaccinated.


Anyang City Rescue

JUNE 2021


Anyang City dog farm, its a hell. Our new team A was out there with the city officials saw nothing but flies, ticks and fleas all over.

Little pup needed immediate care. Its mange. He's been scratching all over on the way. Its three months old boy, we will treat him while the team is working hard with the City official to get the old man to release the remaining six dogs.



Goyang City Rescue

JUNE 2021


Goyang is a City next to Paju where we spent three months protesting at the illegal auction house. The Goyang Team happens to walk by a tiny dog farm with puppies. The old couple surrendered three puppies to the team and brought to Nami immediately. The team is still working on shutting down the little farm.

We know the fate of these puppies, they are the luckiest puppies of the year 2021


Gwangju Dog Meat Farm Rescue

JUNE 2021


It was sometime middle of June that Nami received a call from an animal lover who lives in the City of Gwangju. The video she sent Nami was quite shocking.

20 dogs trapped in the cages with no food and water. Nami gathered her team members and called the animal welfare in charge in the City. The owner of the dogs turned out not the one owns the land but raising dogs aiming at compensation claiming her properties (dogs) are in the land from the City. The owner of the dogs released 11 dogs to Nami but wanted to keep the remaining ten dogs for the sake of the compensation.

11 dogs transported to shelter June the 14th but still has ten dogs to pull when the negotiation of the land owner and the dogs owner finalized.


Hanam Dog Meat Farm Rescue

JUNE 2021


There was a water supply company in the suburban area of Hanam City. The company kept two dogs, one was Pointer the other was Jindo. The Jindo can be in danger any time while the Pointer was too old to be sold. We as a team worked very hard to get the dogs out of that filthy cages but the owner was so persistent and telling us how much they love the dogs.

It was 9 months later that he called our rescue team member Angel to come and take the dogs as they were moving to another City. Angel never give up but used to stop by to feed the dogs. The Pointer is a 7 years old girl named Pebbles and the white Jindo boy is named BAM BAM.

There were two more we wanted to surrender in another City. Both girls came along with Pebbles and BAM BAM, one if named Betty the other is Wilma.


Victor & Oliver Mini Dog Meat Farm Rescue

JUNE 2021


It was early June 2021 that Nami heard the old man at the Mini Farm brought two more dogs and keeping them  in the filthy cages.

Its been 5 years since Nami first rescued 7 dogs from him. One thing about this old man he does not trust the quality of the food being served at restaurants so he raises them cook his own. He has goats and chickens as well.

It was June 17th that he released the while Jindo (named Victor by Nami) that he released but won’t surrender the other black dog saying that he weighs a lot. Nami named the black dog Oliver and tried very hard to get him out of that hell. THe old man was about to sell Oliver then Olive managed to come out of the cage and killed all his chicken in the yard. He called Nami to say “Come and take him, he killed all”


Goyang Dog Meat Slaughterhouse Rescues



Goyang Team used to join Nami’s protest at the dog auction house in Paju City. Goyang is a City right next to Paju.

The team gathered together to raid a dog slaughterhouse. It was hidden in the secluded place behind a tunnel. They got caught and police was present. The butcher is being investigated by the Goang Police.

There was a dog on a chopping board and the butcher was doing his job to supply the meat to the dog meat restaurants around the City. Total 19 dogs was released to Nami on the 29th June. Nami was able to take 6 first and the rest joined every Tuesday.

They are done with all the required vaccinations by the City at the slaughterhouse site on the day. Most of the dogs are very traumatized.





​Yujung Dog Meat Restaurant

JULY 2021


A villager informed Nami about the dog meat restaurant up north of Gimpo City. Nami visited the site but only found two dogs left. The restaurant owner had sent the remaining four to somewhere else he won’t tell Nami. Nami guesses the four gone were already slaughtered for the first day of Boknal (dog meat eating days)

Nami called the animal welfare in charge in the City asked him to be present at the site but the remaining two dogs were gone. The filthy cages were empty. Nami and Mr.Park demanded the two dogs should be back here in a day otherwise they will be charged. On the next day, the restaurant owner called Nami to say “The dogs are back here” Nami believes the owner of the restaurant had sent them to a slaughterhouse and she personally went there to bring them back. It was such a close call. Nami had the restaurant removed the menu “Bosintang”, the popular dog meat soup.

The two dogs are Labrado Jindo mix is a couple, Nami named Jennifer and James. They are  very affectionate and friendly


Kong's Dog Meat Farm



Nami had an old friend who contacted her for an assistance with a rescue planned by a TV reporter. It was such a sensational news when a dog ran away from a dog farm and killed an old lady. The police identified the owner and it turned out the dog was from a dog farm nearby. The police in Namyangju City arrested the owner, an old man who lives nearby. He gave up the ownership of the dogs and let his friend to took over. The friend kept the dogs somewhere hidden.

Our rescue team went out searching for the location of the dog farm for the remaining dogs. Siun and Angel accidentally found this dog farm nearby.  It turned out the meat dog farm was slowly going out of its business. The man surrendered the ten dogs to us September 12th 2021.

The 10 dogs from the dog farm are with no trauma and very affectionate


Cow Dog Meat Farm



The dogs were kept in a mountain by the cow farm owner who took over the ownership of the 29 dogs. One dog that ran away from the dog farm killed an old lady. One reporter who covered the story kept searching for the remaining dogs.

We were able to identify the address and it turned out the dogs were kept in a mountain of his own cow farm.

Nami started to negotiations with the owner and had the man released the dogs to SaveKoreanDogs. Due to the space, Nami could taken all the 29 dogs, 17 went to the  boarding arranged by the reporter and 22 joined SKD shelter September 12th 2021. The dogs from cow farm are only about 3-5 months puppies.


Country Home Dog Meat Farm



It was 2nd week of September that Nami saw the dog meat restaurant was shut down. Nami worked hard for it for several years. The restaurant owner used to  operate their own dog farm to have the meat supplied. Nami saw four dogs there then when she went over to feed the dogs only two left. They say they sent the dogs away to a good home. Nami didn’t believe it so Nami sent the city official involved with it.

There they surrendered the two remaining dogs but still won’t tell Nami where the other two are.


Hwasung City down south of Seoul



Kyungmi is a big local supporter of SKD. She rescued the two left behind at a closing dog farm.

They were sent to one of the vets in the City of Hwasung, south of Seoul.

Nami took them in and continued to treat their medical issues while both are getting used to the new environments.

The condition was horrible, both dogs later named Dahnpoong and Sultang were emaciated and terrified.

Dahnpoong settled in quickly but Sultang suffers from high trauma. However, she is making a progress on daily basis wagging her tail and barking although she still likes hiding.


New rescues from Kong's Dog Meat Farm



We monitor those dog farmers surrendered their dogs to us. Siun and Angel visited Kong's and saw four dogs there. According to our contract Kong signed Sept.12th he is not supposed to raise dogs again. Kong was saying someone left the dogs here while he was dismantling the cages.
Kong released two puppies, the other two he wants to keep. I think we need to get the police involved for the remaining two. I must say Namyangju is the most corrupt from top to the bottom, mayor Cho is a dog meat lover every department (environment, construction and sanitary) I've dealt with are so so corrupt. The official in charge of animal welfare (under livestock department) is not going to be helpful.

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by Save Korean Dogs Twitter Team @NamiKim_DogsSK

LAST WEBSITE UPDATE: February 22, 2025

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